60-minute massage with a 30-minute acupuncture session
We also treat the following: Oedema Asthma Anxiety Neuritis Diabetes Cellulitis Menopause Hemiplegia Fibromyalgia Endometriosis Water retention Stroke Diabetes Gangrene Nephrotic Syndrome End -Stage renal Disease Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Chronic Ulcer Lower Extremity
We also treat the following: Oedema Asthma Anxiety Neuritis Diabetes Cellulitis Menopause Hemiplegia Fibromyalgia Endometriosis Water retention Stroke Diabetes Gangrene Nephrotic Syndrome End -Stage renal Disease Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Chronic Ulcer Lower Extremity
oners are of the highest standards in Chinese Medicinal Healthcare and we strive to provide the best services for you. Our treatment courses are designed individually and specifically for you to meet your needs. The best people to ask about our healing therapies are our patients! Testimonials can be provided upon request. Less